Eggless Baked Donut Holes

For Day 3 week 3 of BM #36, I made these cute donuts or donut holes as they are called sometimes.

The kids loved these subtly sweet treats. For chocolate lovers, a chocolate glaze would be a great idea. Though this was a last minute idea which came into my mind, they were gone within a few hours :).

Eggless Baked Donut Holes

Ingredients - 

All Purpose Flour/Maida 1 1/2 cups
Baking Powder 1 1/2 tsp
Nutmeg Powder 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon Powder 1/2 tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp
Yogurt 1/2 cups + a little more as needed
For The Glaze- 
Powdered Sugar 1/4 cup
Milk 1-2 Tbsp

Eggless Baked Donut Holes

Method Of Preparation -

Mix the flour, baking powder, nutmeg powder, cinnamon powder and salt. Whisk well until combined.

Gradually add yogurt and knead into a soft dough.

Preheat the oven to 375 °F.

Pinch equal portions of the dough and roll into balls and arrange on a parchment paper lined baking tray. Place them an inch apart.

Bake for 22-24 min or until a tester inserted comes out clean.

For The Glaze - 
Mix the powdered sugar and milk and make into a thin paste.

Roll each of the prepared donuts in the mixture and place them on the tray to dry off.

Optionally decorate with sprinkles. Serve them warm. Store them in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. 

Passing them on to Srivalli's "Kid's Delight - Baked Sweet/Savory Treats" hosted by PJ.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 36.

Preparation Time 10 min + Baking Time 22 min 
Makes 24


  1. Padmajha Says:
  2. They look so cute with the colorful sprinkles. Am sure kids will love these...

  3. jayanthi Says:
  4. such cute looking donut holes. sounds really simple and quick. Thanks for a cool snack idea

  5. Nice recipe, they look cute with the sprinkles.

  6. Unknown Says:
  7. Looks really good.. thanks for sharing!!

  8. Pavani Says:
  9. yumm, those donut holes look fluffy & delicious.

  10. Unknown Says:
  11. cute and so perfect.want to grab some

  12. look so fluffy and soft

  13. Kids would love these! So colorful..

  14. Srivalli Says:
  15. Very nice recipe..

  16. Suma Gandlur Says:
  17. Bookmarked. Harini, we can bake them with their regular ring shape too, right? My daughter would have a ball if I give her chocolate glazed ones.:)

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