Week 2 Day 2 of BM #58 -
For the second day under the Dorm Recipes Series, check out this ultra simple and addictive snack which can be made in a jiffy and makes for a filling snack. All those midnight chocolate cravings can be overcome with this simple fruity snack.
Recipe Source Instagram
Ingredients -
Banana 1
Nutella 1/2 Tbsp
Rice Krispie Cereal 1/4 cup
Method Of Preparation -
Peel the banana one side at a time. Spread nutella and roll that portion on rice krispie cereal.
Peel the other side, spread nutella and roll on rice krispie cereal.
Continue until the whole banana is covered with nutella and rice kripie cereal.
Wrap the banana in cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Unwrap and slice into 1/4 inch pieces and enjoy.
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 58.
Preparation Time 5 min + resting time 30 min
Serves 1
Even kids can make this and it is made with healthy and appealing ingredients.
Too good, absolutely fallen in love with this fruit sushi.
Wow, what an interesting sushi that is. Looks so yummy!!
Thats indeed a super cool recipe! Will def try this out sometime
There is something between this banana and nutella.. love this combo
Can't believe its a 3 ingredient dish. Bookmarking it
What a fun way to serve fruits to kids. Lovely idea.
Very interesting concept.