Instant Kalakand

I was invited to a religious function and I had just a couple of effective hours of notice. I had in my mind that I should make some dessert which suits the occasion. Then I looked through some versions of kalakand which I have in my files and figured out this instant variety which could be made in under 30 min. Luckily I had some home made paneer which I could use.

It turned out that the sweet was a super hit with the little kids who were there at the venue. So I believe that this is a crowd pleaser as well as kid friendly.

So for Day 1 week 4 of BM #34, here is a kid approved sweet suitable for many occasions. Also sending this to Srivalli's 'Kid's Delight - Festival Sweets' hosted by Sowmya

Instant Kalakand

Ingredients - 

Homemade khoya 3/4 cup
Homemade Paneer from 1 ltr milk
Condensed Milk 1/4 cup
Cardamom Powder
Ghee to grease the pan
Pistachios for garnish

Instant Kalakand

Method Of Preparation -

Add all the ingredients in a heated non-stick pan and keep stirring.

After about 8-10 minutes, the mixture will come together as a single mass.

Remove onto a greased pan and let it set for a few minutes. Sprinkle some chopped pistachios.

Cut into desired shapes and refrigerate before serving!

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 34.

Preparation Time 20 min
Makes 25 small pieces
Posted by Harini R on Sunday, November 24, 2013


  1. yumm looking..

  2. Srivalli Says:
  3. Looks amazing Harini, love those's such a delicious treat to dig in..

  4. Instant kalakand looks tempting and came out very perfect.

  5. nayana Says:
  6. kalakand looks yummilicious......

  7. Kalyani Says:
  8. super instant and yummy too :) bookmarking this !

  9. instant kalakand turned out perfect.

  10. Thanks a lot for showing us the instantly made lovely looking kalakand.

  11. Unknown Says:
  12. Looks delicious!!

  13. Deepa Says:
  14. Hi Harini,

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. Kalakand is a popular sweet but never attempted at home. But I noticed that apart from condensed milk, you didn't have sugar measurement. Is the sugar in condensed milk sufficient?

  15. Harini R Says:
  16. @Deepa,
    Thanks for your comment. The sugar in the condensed milk was more than sufficient for the whole batch. In fact we felt it was a little too sweet for us but the kids and guests loved it as is. So feel free to add more condensed milk for the extra sweetness if you prefer.

  17. Perfectly made kalakand,looks so tempting..

  18. looks so soft, sweet and delicious

  19. Looks so good! I love the grainy texture of the kalakand!

  20. Book marked the instant Mithraism would be such a treat...very very nice.

  21. veena Says:
  22. wow!!Another instant mithai...loving tis series

  23. Very tempting treat harini!!!!

  24. Pavani Says:
  25. Instant Kalakand looks perfect.

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